Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another month to Christmas!

It's time again to welcome the Xmas cheer~ as shopping malls and streets begin decorating and lighting up..

It's such a beautiful sight! And never fails to warm my heart =)

Time to do some Xmas shopping! Haha..

p.s. The Xmas tree at home is up too! Awaiting our annual gift exchange.. Hee!

Friday, November 18, 2011

I am still around!!!!

If you think that I'm considering leaving my blog in the lurch or am intending to close it down, you are absolutely wrong! Hahaha.. Apologies for the long absence.. My dearest blog has always been on my mind but work at the new dept has totally drained me =p im zombified at the end of each day and work has been nothing but challenging and stressful~ seriously..

Well, I hope I'll keep my engine going~ and ward off/conquer all evil forces that come my way =p

Of course, I know I'm getting older when I'm depending on coffee/tea to keep me awake at mid day.. Goodness~ signs of accelerated aging!

Haha.. Better still, I've a weird penchant for local coffee/tea instead of ang moh ones like Starbucks or coffee bean.. Haha! They just don't pack enough 'oomph', right?

Cheers to the weekend, with kopi or teh! Haha..