Saturday, September 15, 2012

Visiting Harry Potter and Andy Warhol

After much procrastination, we've decided to visit our friends at the Art Science museum.. =p

Haven't heard many raving about the exhibitions, but thought we'll just catch it before it ends.. Haha.. Picture taking was prohibited, which was such a waste! Thankfully with the rented audio guide, we understood more of the exhibits as we meandered through exhibition grounds =)

I personally felt that the exhibition could be more interactive, perhaps throwing in a compilation video of all the highlights from the 7 (was it?) parts in 3d.. Haha.. Or distribute some harry potter related freebies before we exit.. I've got so much ideas, and i think they should hire me as their exhibition planner =p

We met Andy Warhol too~ Went through his art pieces and some did caught my eye.. I'm not good at describing art pieces, so I shall not embarrass myself here trying to explain what his art works were all about.. Haha..

But I do like how he celebrates the existence of simple and ordinary items in his art pieces, allowing them to take centre-stage in most of his works!

I also realised we are similar in some ways, and quoting what he said "I have social disease, I need to go out every night.."

Yes indeed! *high five*

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