Thursday, September 15, 2011

Night Festival 2011 and Zoo!

Back-dated post!

Went museum hopping during the past few weeks coz our local arts scene seems to be brimming with activities... free entry to museums, the annual festival, art installations, etc.. for a moment, I considered applying to work at NHB.. Hee! =P of course that thought was banished from my brain, gradually..

Well, I took the more conservative career path, but trying out something different in a way.. I shall talk about that at a later date~ haha..

First up: Asian Civilisation Museum

The Terracotta has come to town! *imagine grey clay figures*

The chinese were amazing (in terms of handicraft).. I don't know how much time they spent doing thousands of such figures, maybe millions, i'm not sure.. But it's definitely impressive....... I can imagine how much spare time they had then to do such things.. haha! =P

eat, slp, do handicraft, eat, slp, do handicraft, and it goes on and on~~~

It was Night Festival 3 weeks ago, and Mr Koh and I headed over to stamford road to see what's in store this year.. Nothing spectacular, but it was definitely lively..

We discovered a new exhibit gallery (not explored by us previously) in the National Museum and were very well entertained.. haha..

That he fell asleep on the makeshift bed.. inside a coolies' den? haha..

Acting artisitc =P but honestly, I thought the water colour paintings were nice.. vivid illustrations of the former KTM railway at Tanjong Pagar, which seem to bring back some memories of that place..

The highlight of the night.. which we were looking fwd to, and praying that the rain would hold.. coz the skies looked threatening.. haha..

It was quite boring.. haha.. coz I cannot understand much spanish (I vow to master it soon =P), and it has been about the same every year.. flying dancers, lights, fireworks.. maybe it's time for something different? =P

These were the arty activities we went to recently... Now, for the more outdoorsy activities...

It's Zoo time again! haha.. thanks to my corporate pass =)

Asked Aijia and her beau along..

Not our first time there.. but still, the animals miss us.. haha.. they've grown up by alot too! =P

I like this shot! See the 2 giraffes behind? hahaha.. super like this =)

This is a tadpole slowly growing legs to become a frog!!!!! amazing....

My lovely frog................... such a darling right? haha.. the way it smiles so widely and looks at you.. feel like giving it a peck =P *gross*

Gigantic Tarantula... Amazing how my iphone 3 can take such clear shots? hahaha..

Baby Baboon at the primate kingdom... Mr Koh's favourite place in the zoo.. haha..

With dearie Aijia with the white tigers......... hear us roar!

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