Thursday, May 27, 2010


After a torturing long wait... I finally laid my hands on my 超人's new Album! *jumps around the room* Had pre-ordered this album coz I wanted to get the pre-order promotional item.. so happily went to collect the album on the stipulated date on the voucher..

*Thunder and flashes of lightning*

I was utterly disppointed and heart broken... Like a little girl's dream being shattered into pieces.. Not being able to go to the concert was bad, and news that the album release date was delayed was like another stab into my fragile heart... =P Sullen, I went back feeling empty... but but...

I finally went to collect my 超人 few days later.. braving the long and humid walk from office to the CD shop at chinatown~ YAY!

Presenting to you.... the limited edition badges bearing the album picture of each of his past albums.. This is his 10th! =) *claps* proud of him.. haha..

Every one of his albums brought me through my schooling and growing up days.. every tune and song resonates with the memories and feelings at every stage of my life.. sweet, happy, sad, angry, cool, etc~

Happily unwrapping my prized possession.........

Presenting to you, Jay's 10th album: 超人不会飞

guess what............
I've just dropped the lucky draw form - to win the tickets to his concert, into the post box and I hope Mr postman will deliver my golden ticket to the right hands and to the lucky box..

May the lucky hand pick the lucky ME!!

please~ =)

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