Monday, October 4, 2010

We went to the zoo again!

Thanks to the corporate pass which I had balloted for some time ago, we got another chance to visit the zoo again! haha.. it's an ordinary saturday to the zoo, very relaxing stroll to greet the animals that we saw along the way.. We had been to the zoo not too long ago, so this time rd, we didnt snap alot of pics.. we just enjoyed the lovely morning~ =)

Though weather got a little wet in the later part of the morning =P

Can you see the little mischevious monkey in the backgrd?

The infamous white tiger! haha.. the bigger tiger in the foreground is busy cat-walking (pun intended).. haha.. tigers belong to the cat family do you know? haha.. while the more demure tiger (at the backgrd) is demurely sitting down to pose for pictures.. haha..

Posing with the demure one =P

Our big heads completely blocked the tiger behind.. HAHA!

We walked along the trail, and stopped at the baboons kingdom... hahaha.. it was an interesting sight, to see the baboons live their everyday life.. they act just like humans (though not really literally lah, humans are more conservative and restrained), they fight, they pick fleas from each others' bodies, show affection for their loved ones..

After entertaining ourselves, watching the baboons, we continued...

and stopped at this little shelter... where Mr Koh took a picture with the butterfly posters..

Lovely picture of this yellow flower... I love my camera phone! haha..  able to take pictures with such detail and sharpness.. love how the water droplets sit so nicely on the petals~ (this was taken after the short rain earlier)...  

A self-timer shot with the zebras.. haha..

and a shot with the long-neck giraffees =)

Us again! haha..

We decided to catch the elephant show.. and we passed by this elephant hut on our way, which was like an educational hut containing some info/artefacts of elephants.. and since we were alone in the hut.. we took some silly pics.. haha!
Mr Koh is the baby elephant!

I'm the asian elephant.. haha..

After the elephant show (though I've watched it before, I still find it amusing.. haha!).. we walked along to another area..

to find this huge feathered animal (im not sure of the name).. haha.. It was not chained!! and it was gracious enough to stand still for some shots.. haha.. I was less than a metre away from it.. =)


We ended our zoo stroll in the late afternoon.. and headed over to the east side to meet Angie, Fanny, Aijia and bf for dinner and some cheesecake at night =) Dinner was at ECP, and cheesecake at cheesecake cafe!

Angie introduced us to this place, and indeed it was very unique! haha.. elaborate decorations of european paintings/ greek statues... made me feel like I was in europe! haha..

with the babes~ a pity Fanny had to leave early...
Mr Koh, me and angie =)

The lovebirds.. haha...

I love my weekends! =)

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