Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Visit to arts science museum again~

Visited the arts science museum again recently, for another new exhibition that landed onto the shores of Singapore~ The art of the brick!

Our third time there~ this time round to look at bricks =p amazing structures built from countless individual lego pieces..

In my mind I was just thinking of how much time and effort the sculptor had devoted to every 'art piece'.. Doesn't he have to work? I'm honestly jealous he gets to play with Legos while I slog hard at work.. Haha

The exhibition showcased mainly human forms, of which some are comical, sometimes scary, sometimes just a little out of this world =p

I used to play with Lego bricks when I was much younger.. And my products were much simpler.. Haha.. I built houses, cars, staircases, bridges, etc.. Fond memories of childhood =)

We proceeded to the magnum photo exhibition few floors down, to 'appreciate' the award winning photographs by a group of skilled photographers~ under Mr. Koh's influence, I've been more interested in picture framing lately, so going through the exhibition was pretty enjoyable.. Haha!

Nevertheless, i had a nice time at the exhibition~ enjoying our weekend, feeding our eyes with bright colours and interesting structures and photographs.. Do head down to the museum if you have some time to spare!

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