Saturday, June 13, 2009

The day my Presto died…

It was a very unfortunate event… I shall now pronounce my long-serving Presto dead….

Bought my Presto when I was in JC.. 17 yrs old, the age when my friends and I were still young and happy (I still am!)… haha.. Place of birth: Queensway shopping centre.. Still rem I bought this pair after scanning through all the shops at Queensway (the place to be when we want to buy cheap and good sportswear)

This pair had gone through so much with me.. alot of memories.. haha! And my theme in JC was green… I had a green Ripcurl bag and bought this green Nike Presto to go with it.. HAHA! =)


Let me narrate the whole incident…

I wore my Presto out for a Jog one early morning, coz mummy needed to wear my present pair for work.. I seldom wore my Presto as it was not in the best-est condition since some time ago.. haha… So so, I finally decided to bring it out for a good jog!

After fitting my feet in, it felt like the good old days (Prestos makes me feel like not wearing any shoes at all, they are amazingly soft!)…

And I was ready to go! =)

I jogged to the running track near my place.. all’s fine initially, until i felt some ‘flapping’ action at the front of the shoe.. I thought it was just water as it rained the night before…

To my horror, I SAW the flapping action after my 2nd round… Refusing to stop since I woke up so early.. I must at least jog 6 rds before I head home…

The flapping action got worse after the 3rd round and after 3.5 rounds, I decided to stop.. Before it gives way (I start to imagine the whole sole coming off before I got home.. How traumatizing~)

Then I reluctantly made my way home.. With the flapping sound which was soo irritating and embarrassing.. haha! I got a little irritated and avoided crowded areas.. haha! It was super malu…

After 10 minutes of flapping.. I am finally nearing my house.. Almost there and the flapping from the left shoe got worse! haha… Now not only the front was flapping, the back was flapping too!

PIAK~ The whole sole came off…………….

I was no longer irritated, I was laughing in fact.. At how silly I must have looked……. =P I pretended to walk normally, holding the dropped-off sole in one hand, left shoe without a sole, while the horrible flapping continued on the right feet… ignoring the few curious stares that I attracted during the 50m back to my lift… hahahahaha~

I’ve never………..

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……….  jogged until so 狼狈 before…….

Saying bye bye to Presto.. You have served me well!

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